Patriotic Couple with baby in stroller |
Yes, my title was lifted from the somber Richard Hugo poem, but the 4th of July parade in Alameda yesterday was decidedly upbeat. The 3 mile route was lined with Alamedans holding flags, waving to the local notables passing by in review. The mayor, and city councilpersons. Miss California, and a figure skating champion. Vets, cowboys, community gardeners, special olympians, boy and girl scouts, gay pride manifesters. Many local businesses and non-profits. Some eccentric causes. Several varieties of Trump protesters. We islanders enjoying the beautiful weather, enjoying each others, happy to be living in a city that in some elusive yet
Blue Star Moms have kids in the service Some carried signs saying "Call your mother" |
This float palyed lively music, and was followed in the parade by the First Congregational Church, "All Welcome" |
Special Olympians |
Who could have a problem with that? My good friend C. perhaps, who
traced the outline of a mushroom cloud with his hands when asked what he
"Cannabis Community," a local dispensary |